Child benefit department Chemnitz

Here you can find out the visitor address, postal address, opening hours, telephone numbers and fax and e-mail addresses of the child benefit department Chemnitz. With this information you can apply for child benefit or child benefit bonus (Kinderzuschlag) for your child at the child benefit department in Chemnitz.

We present you the Child benefit department Saxony Chemnitz.

Address child benefit department Chemnitz

The child benefit department Chemnitz is the point of contact for families in the Chemnitz region regarding child benefit entitlement and child benefit bonus (Kinderzuschlag). If you would like to clarify a matter relating to your child benefit claim, you can find the addresses of the child benefit department Chemnitz here.

Visitor address

Familienkasse Chemnitz

Heinrich-Lorenz-Str. 20
09120 Chemnitz

These are the addresses of the Child benefit department location Chemnitz.

Postal address

Familienkasse Sachsen

09092 Chemnitz

Contact: Phone number and e-mail

Families from the Chemnitz area with questions about child benefit, child benefit bonus (Kinderzuschlag) or child benefit applications can contact the child benefit department in Chemnitz at the following telephone numbers, fax number and e-mail address.

Questions and personal concerns about child benefit

Tel: +49 371567-2221

Questions about child benefit / child benefit bonus (Kinderzuschlag)

Tel: 0800 / 4 5555 30 *

Nationwide service number (Mon. – Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

Questions about payment dates

Tel: 0800 / 4 5555 33 *

* Call is free of charge

Fax: +49 371 567-1870



Here is a detailed guide article on Child benefit department – child benefit with all important information.


Opening hours / Personal consultation hours

Here you can find the opening hours of the child benefit department in Chemnitz.

08:00 - 12:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 12:00


All information is without guarantee for correctness and completeness. Before visiting in person, please go to the website of the child benefit department Saxony Location Chemnitz.

Apply for child benefit in Chemnitz

Would you like to know how to apply for child benefit? Then you will find in the guide article Apply for child benefit all information, tips and forms.

Are you interested in the current payout dates? Here we have for you all Child benefit payment dates at a glance.

This could also interest you

Of course, we can also help you with many other topics. So you will also find with us:

Detailed knowledge of the parental leave you can find here.

Notes on the maternity leave payment you can retrieve here.

The topic parental allowance we explain to you here.

An overview of all Child benefit departments you can get here.

Other child benefit departments in Saxony

Here we present all locations of the Child benefit department Saxony.