Parental leave
Here you will find expert knowledge & specialist topics on parental leave
We inform you how to apply for parental leave in the best possible way and how to extend your parental leave. You will find out what leave entitlement you are entitled to before, during and after parental leave and receive tips on all topics relating to parental leave.
What can you find here and how do we support you?
Parental Leave Instructions and Templates

We support you with helpful instructions on parental leave and the extension of parental leave. Use our samples and templates to submit your applications in full.
Tips and advice on relevant topics of parental leave

You will receive important advice on all topics relating to parental leave. With our expertise and practical tips, you are well prepared for your parental leave.
Parental leave explained easily and understandably

Parental leave is the legal entitlement of employees towards their employers to take time off to care for and raise their child.
Each parent is entitled to up to 3 years of parental leave. To take parental leave, all you need to do as an employee is to register for parental leave with your employer. Be sure to pay attention to all deadlines and time periods when planning and applying for parental leave. Parental leave applications can only be rejected by the employer in exceptional cases and under certain conditions. Parents enjoy protection against dismissal before and during parental leave. There is no legal template for the application for parental leave. The law provides for an entitlement to part-time employment under certain conditions.
Everything you need to know about parental leave

Calculate your parental leave periods quickly and easily
With our free and popular parental leave calculator, you can easily and quickly determine your parental leave dates.

Apply for parental leave
Here you can find out how to apply for your parental leave and what you should pay attention to. You can also download our free sample here.

Extend parental leave
Sometimes things turn out differently than planned. If you want to extend your parental leave, we give you all the important hints and tips here.

Parental leave & vacation
Would you like to know what entitlement to leave you have before, during or after parental leave? You can find out here!
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