Who is behind "Einfach Elterngeld"?
We support parents!
Our story
"Started from own concern"
As a father of four children, founder and managing director Felix Böhme had to deal with his own parental allowance some time ago and found himself in a not easily comprehensible amount of information, applications, calculators and leaflets.
Having worked for several years as a public finance administration official, he actually did not find it difficult to deal with forms, authorities and notices. However, he quickly discovered that there are some parents who almost despair of their application for parental allowance.
How is the allowance calculated? Is there any room for optimization? What is the “best” way to apply for it? Why do the results of the internet calculator differ from those of the approval notice? These are precisely the questions he wanted to answer with the internet portal “Einfach Elterngeld” and has helped thousands of parents to successfully apply for parental allowance since 2015.
Our team
"The path to greatness is with others"
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